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Our projects: Pilot projects in Austria & the USA

HABITAT 3D-printed house USA and Hausleiten Austria:

Maiden voyage in the United States - our first fully permitted 3D-printed home in Tempe, Arizona


HABITAT 3D-printed house USA

Together with "Habitat for Humanity", we printed a one-story, 160 sqm (1,722 sqft) home in Tempe, Arizona. This is our first fully permitted 3D-printed home in the United States. The owner, Habitat for Humanity, is a global non-profit organization whose mission is to provide housing for people in need in over 60 countries.

"The use of 3D-printing technology is a tremendous opportunity for Habitat for Humanity," said Jason Barlow, president and CEO of Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona. "The current housing problems in Arizona demonstrate the need for affordable housing. We need new ideas and methods to build decent, more energy-efficient homes at a lower cost, in less time, and with less materials used. The Tempe project is a forward-thinking step for us."

As with the successful projects in Beckum and Wallenhausen, we also used the COBOD BOD2 gantry printer for printing in the USA. COBOD is a Danish manufacturer in which we have been involved since 2018. The project, in cooperation with "Habitat for Humanity", is another important step for our family business in the market development of the new technology.


Hausleiten in Austria

We were not only the first in Germany - we are also officially considered a pioneer in 3D house printing in neighboring Austria. Together with the Austrian construction technology group STRABAG SE, we managed to print the first office building in Hausleiten, Austria. The material used in this project came from Lafarge-Holcim. A pure printing time of approximately 45 hours was estimated for the building extension.

"At PERI, we see great potential in the still young technology of 3D construction printing. Just under a year ago, we printed Germany's first residential building with a BOD2 printer from our Danish partner COBOD. Now, together with our partners STRABAG and Lafarge, we are bringing this new form of construction to Austria and are delighted with the first printed office building in Hausleiten," says Thomas Imbacher, Executive Director Innovation & Marketing at PERI SE.

"3D construction printing brings an important innovation impulse for the construction industry and is an exciting addition to other construction methods. With this practical test, we want to further develop 3D concrete printing together with our partners PERI and Lafarge. In Hausleiten, we were already able to achieve important findings for future use during the joint planning," says STRABAG board bember Klemens Haselsteiner, who is responsible for digitalization and innovation.

The innovative 3D printing technology offers many advantages over the classic concrete construction method: The drastic reduction in construction time or the new, flexible design options that come with the new technology are just two of them. The CEO at Lafarge, Berthold Kern, also agrees.

"Buildings from the 3D printer establish a new language for concrete that is digitally and environmentally advanced. The intelligent material allows architectural freedom in the design language and is convincing in its application. This enables us to build more with less," says Berthold Kren, CEO at Lafarge Austria.


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